Bisnode certification

18.05.2018.Events, News

On the basis of the latest categorization and financial analysis of the previous three business years (2014, 2015 and 2016), conducted by Bisnode, Property management and rental company “Dipos” d.o.o. Belgrade has received the International Certificate of Prudential Excellence AAA rating for 2017, as one of the most successful companies in its business activity in the Republic of Serbia.

By obtaining this AAA International Prudential Rating Certificate for 2017, Property management and rental company “Dipos” d.o.o. Belgrade has joined the Bisnode group of highly-rated companies.

The obtained Certificate is proof of our successful business and is one of the most important EUROPEAN STANDARDS that define the quality of business.

This credit rating exclusivity represents the above average credit rating of enterprises – business entities.

It is based on the final accounts of business entities for the last financial year and foresees business security in the next twelve months.

Certification is an established practice in the international environment, on the basis of which economic entities strengthen their reputation and trust in the domestic and foreign business environment.

The awarded companies with this certificate gain the additional confidence of their business partners.

The Bisnode Group has many years of experience in granting credit rating excellence in European countries: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic and Hungary. From now on, certification will be carried out at the level of a group of 18 European countries in which Bisnode operates.

By obtaining this Certificate, Property management and rental company “Dipos” d.o.o. Belgrade is ranked at the very top of the domestic economy and stands alongside with EU companies in quality and responsible business.

This is yet another proof that the company “Dipos” d.o.o. Belgrade is a liquid, solvent, economically stable company, and therefore a reliable and desirable partner for cooperation.

“Dipos” d.o.o. Belgrade, in an effort to achieve success justified by new successes, has the intent to be the bearer of such a Certificate in the coming years as well as to continue with all necessary efforts in order to maintain the image of a safe and reliable business partner, and with its success, to contribute to the development of the Serbian economy.