Our story began in 1961 right after the adoption of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, marking the beginning of the golden age of diplomacy.
Grasping the essence and the importance of the Convention, in 1962 the City of Belgrade, established a Directorate for the Management and Construction of Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Buildings and entrusted its management to the City of Belgrade’s Real Estate Fund. The purpose of this was to establish a seamless procedure for managing all publicly owned properties that, at the time, were intended for housing foreign diplomatic and consular missions, international organisations and their employees.
Through challenging times, and significant changes to the legal form and name of the management company, the Dipos team has remained dedicated to one goal – making expats and the diplomatic community in Serbia feel at home.
- 1961 Signing of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
- 1962 Establishment of the Directorate for the Management and Construction of Foreign, Diplomatic and Consular offices
- 1964 Mister Ljubomir Potkonjak, appointed as director
- 1964 Ratification of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations in the Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
- 1965 Directorate changes name to the Enterprise for Management of Buildings and Apartments for Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Missions
- 1980‘s Construction of the Diplomatic colony in Banovo Brdo
- 1988 Mister Svetozar Babić, appointed as director
- 1997 Establishment of Dipos a.d. Belgrade (Diplomatic Housing Enterprise)
- 1998 Mister Miloš Lončar, appointed as director
- 2001 Mister Milan Mitrović, appointed as director
- 2004 Mister Slobodan Kopanja, appointed as director
- 2009 Mister Kostadin Popović, appointed as director
- 2009 The Republic of Serbia becomes the founder and 100% stakeholder of the Property management and rental company “Dipos” d.o.o. Belgrade
- 2014 Mister Đoko Krivokapić, appointed as director
- 2023 Mrs. Bojana Martinović, appointed as director