Professional training of DIPOS employees
The greatest values of Property management and rental company “Dipos” d.o.o. are people and their professional development. In the spirit of celebrating the anniversary of 60 years of business, employees had the opportunity to attend a seminar on “Business protocol and etiquette with the basics of event organization” organized by the MNG Center.
Ms. Ljudmila Milatovic from the General Secretariat of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Protocol Service, shared with the employees of DIPOS her many years of knowledge that she gained in the organization of the most important protocol ceremonies in the Republic of Serbia.
During the lecture, employees of the Company had the opportunity to learn about the types of protocols, their importance and application, and a special part of the lecture also referred to practical examples of the organization of ceremonial activities and business etiquette.
DIPOS will continue to support professional training and professional development of its employees, who represent one of the most important resources of our Company.

ДИПОС ће и даље подржавати стручно усавршавање и професионални развој својих запослених који представљају један од најважнијих ресурса нашег Друштва.