The Director of DIPOS presented letters of gratitude to the Ambassador and Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Belgrade
On the occasion of support and contribution to the improvement of environmental awareness, embellishing and planting trees in the Diplomatic Colony in Dedinje, which this year marks 60 years of existence, the director of Property management and rental company “Dipos” d.o.o. Belgrade, Mr. Djoko Krivokapic on November 30, 2021 handed out letters of gratitude to H.E. the Ambassador, Mr. Alexander Bocan-Kharchenko and to the Trade Representative of the Russian Federation, Mr. Andrei Khripunov.
Significant support of the Embassy of the Russian Federation to Dipos d.o.o. Belgrade, reflected by the fact that Ambassador Bocan-Kharchenko was a guest of this Company in June 2021, which was the first visit of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Belgrade to this Company since its founding, during which Ambassador Bocan-Kharchenko and Director of the Company, Mr. Krivokapic, in the presence of the Trade Representative, as part of the business cooperation that has lasted for more than 50 years, planted a birch tree in the Diplomatic Colony managed by Dipos in Dedinje, as part of the project of making the Diplomatic colony in Dedinje a better and greener place.
During today’s meeting, Mr. Krivokapic used the opportunity to present the strategic project of the construction of the Diplomatic Club in Belgrade. to the Ambassador, Mr. Bocan-Kharchenko and the Trade Representative, Mr. Hripunov.
To our great satisfaction, and due to the great interest of the hosts for this project, during today’s visit to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Belgrade, both sides concluded that the Diplomatic Club in Belgrade will be a unique meeting place for the business community, as well as state officials, representatives of international organizations, and the wider business community in the Republic of Serbia.
To our great satisfaction, and due to the great interest of the hosts for this project, during today’s visit to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Belgrade, both sides concluded that the Diplomatic Club in Belgrade will be a unique meeting place for the business community, as well as state officials, representatives of international organizations, and the wider business community in the Republic of Serbia.
At the end of the visit, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Mr. Bocan-Kharchenko and the Trade Representative, Mr. Andrei Hripunov thanked the Director of the Company, Mr. Krivokapic for the letters of gratitude and for the great commitment to improving business relations between the Embassy and Dipos, and bilateral relations Serbia and the Russian Federation. You can also read about this event on the media portal.

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