H. E. Constantinos Eliades, Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Serbia

Friendly bilateral relations between Serbia and Cyprus have been reflected in traditional support in foreign policy issues, economy, culture, and territorial integrity. SFR Yugoslavia established diplomatic relations with Cyprus immediately after it gained independence in 1960.

The Embassy in Belgrade started its operations in 1971. From the very first moment, it was hosted in one of the most prestigious parts of Belgrade – Senjak, in the premises managed by Dipos.

H. E. Constantinos Eliades, Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Serbia, warmly welcomed Dipos representatives and expressed his views on the two countries` bilateral relations and long-lasting partnership between the esteemed Embassy and our company.

H. E. Constantinos Eliades, Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Serbia

Cyprus has been at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. How do these historical and geopolitical influences affect present-day life in your state?

Cyprus is strategically very important location in the East Mediterranean. Its location between the three continents has always had an impact on how other countries are viewing it.  This fact is a blessing, but also a curse at the same moment, as numerous invaders wanted to control Cyprus. Our history records so many conquerors and, unfortunately, even today one of our big neighbours – Turkey, is illegally occupying one third of our territory. However, these foreign rulers from the past have left their mark either in the vestiges of language and cultural monuments. Cypriot dialect includes heritage of foreign words, Turkish, French, and various other, while historical monuments dating back from ancient Greece, the Venetians, or the Romans, make Cyprus an open-air museum today.

You have been living here for several years. How do you see modern Serbia, in view of the EU accession and global development trends?

– I am pleased to note that this is my second term in Serbia. Belgrade was my first posting when I was a young diplomat.  Of course, the situation was different at that time. It was Yugoslavia and I was on a mission during the break-up of the country, war and the sanctions which followed. I am very glad that after 30 years I was able to come back to Serbia and to Belgrade and to see the difference. The country has changed completely. It has made tremendous progress in terms of economic development, but also infrastructure, especially considering the sanctions and the sufferings it went through. On the other hand, the people are still the same great people, very hospitable and very friendly. This is especially heart-warming for the Cypriots because the Serbs love Cyprus and the same applies to our side – we love Serbia, we love the Serbs. We are brotherly people, and it is a pleasure indeed to be living in Belgrade.

What is your opinion on the current bilateral relations between Serbia and Cyprus and where do you see opportunities for further development?

– Our relations have always been excellent, both with today`s Serbia and previously Yugoslavia. Serbia is one of the countries in the world with which we do not have any disagreements at all. Our partnership has always been very friendly and warm and we would like to expand it even more due to the fact that, despite our exceptional political and diplomatic relations, our trade and tourist relations are not commensurate. We would like to see more trade, more tourists both ways. We, as embassies and governments, open the avenues for people and private sector to do business, and it is upon them to take the opportunities.

Regarding the fact that Serbian citizens can now enter Cyprus with a negative PCR test on coronavirus – can this decision be assigned to our mutual supportive standpoints or the actual health situation in Serbia?

– Since the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic, Cyprus has established 3 categories of countries: A, B and C. A category implies entry to Cyprus without any PCR testing. B category, where Serbia is now, requires a negative PCR test results issued 72 hours before departure. C category implies online inquiries for permission to enter Cyprus, also including PCR testing and two-week isolation.

The decision regarding the entry of Serbian citizens was made strictly on health condition grounds. We hope it will be upgraded even further, from the present B to A group.

Which aspects and values of modern Cyprus would you like to promote more?

– Cyprus is a small country, but it has a very rich history 11,000 years old. We are very friendly, open, and hospitable people. Cyprus is one of the three safest countries in the world. It is very pleasant for tourists to know that they are welcome and safe, which is very important, especially in our world today. The most valuable asset of Cyprus are its people – their mentality, hospitality and happiness.

What activities does the Embassy undertake to promote your country?

– We are trying to promote our country as much as possible. Apart from other activities, we have been especially engaged in communication with local administration. I visited many cities all around Serbia with the aim to bring together Serbian and Cypriot cities to cooperate. It is not always easy because this is not just the question of will, but also of financial means, scheduling, and other issues. Still, we keep trying. During coronavirus pandemic we realised that this mission has become even harder. However, we hope that better days will come and that we will organise different events in future.

How do you see the contribution of the Serbs living in Cyprus to the development of your country?

– According to certain estimates, between 1,000-1,500 Serbs live in Cyprus today, mostly in Limassol.   They are very active and most of them are also Cypriot citizens – they can vote, participate in the elections, or be elected. From what I am informed, they are successful businessmen and an provide important contribution to economy and life of Cyprus. They also act as an important link in our diplomatic relations.

What are your impressions on living in Belgrade?

– I love Serbia and Belgrade. The city is a metropolis bustling with life and it does not lack anything. All the neighbouring countries are very accessible, either by plane or by car, which brings additional pleasure to living and working here.

Your residence is in the building which is a part of the architectural heritage of the Republic of Serbia. How would you describe this experience and the cooperation with Dipos, which manages this property?

– We have been cooperating with Dipos for more than 30 years now. The initial embassy was in the immediate vicinity of the present one for approximately 20 years. Later on, we moved to the building we are currently using. Our cooperation with Dipos is excellent – you are taking good care of us!

H.E Constantinos Eliades, Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus and Ms Ivana Milosavljevic, Dipos Deputy Director

At the end of the conversation, the Deputy Director of Dipos, Ivana Milosavljevic, used the opportunity to thank Ambassador Eliades for the trust, and stated with great satisfaction that the traditionally good cooperation between the esteemed Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus and property management and rental company Dipos will continue to the mutual satisfaction.